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Shout Out

Monday 5 February, 6pm–8pm

Studio One, Toi Tū  1 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby

Are you a budding singer? An outspoken poet? An aspiring comedian? Or just a young queer person with something to say? Come say it at Shout Out – a safe, chilled open-mic night for young queer individuals to stand up and show off their talents, or sit back and enjoy the show.

In addition to performers from the audience, Shout Out is proud to feature the talents of singers Laura Mackey and Anna Elisara, as well as a collaboration between award-winning playwright Sam Brooks and Dan Veint. Shout Out will be hosted by enthusiastic young thespian, Alex Wilson.

Whatever your preferred mode of self-expression may be ­– beatboxing, poetry, improv, dance, comedy, rap, acting – we welcome you to get up on stage and perform! Simply jot your name down on the sign-up sheet when you arrive, or let us know that you’d like to participate on our Facebook page.

Shout Out is recommended for rangatahi aged 16-27. Studio One is wheelchair accessible and a New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpreter will be participating on the night for deaf and hearing impaired people.

Ticketing info

Wheelchair accessible – NZSL interpreter provided

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